By sharing my writing (Poetry in particular), a life long dream, I hope to inspire others to go after their dreams and goals.

Monday, February 26, 2018

Redirecting Your Mindset

Recently I had to contend with some changes at work. Changes at the workplace are neither new nor surprising but I found myself becoming negative on a daily basis. From complaining to a having a helpless attitude, I spent the better of a month miserable. I'm sure I didn't make those around me happy either as they listened to the same grumbling day after day.

Then one morning I had an epiphany. I could change my mindset. What do I mean by that? Simply, I could accept that the changes were difficult but I could control my reaction to them.

This is not a new concept, but as I'm sure you can relate it is easier said than done. But this particular morning I woke up and forced myself to stop dwelling, obsessing and complaining about things and work through them instead. The result was I had a beautiful day and I am calmer and more focused on a daily basis.

How did I do it? There is no real formula for me. Experts will offer various ways to reach a state of acceptance but this is what I did.

I prayed (alot) especially the night before my morning of awareness. Maybe I had reached a breaking point but I believe in the power of prayer.

I reflected (what was really troubling me?) The answers I came up with were that I was dealing with grief over recent news, anxiety over my upcoming graduation, financial worries and struggling with my daily habits.

I changed my daily habits. I love this quote from author Gretchen Rubin, "What you do everyday matters more than what you do once in a while." I want to read her book "The Happiness Project." If we take care of ourselves physically, spiritually, emotionally and more on a daily basis, our mindset will follow. I returned to eating healthier, exercising more, getting more sleep and doing things I love more often.

I started a journal. I write all the time. But I've resisted journaling for years because I didn't want my private thoughts read by anyone else. I decided this year to try journaling and it has been very therapeutic to get thoughts that weigh on my mind, especially at night, out of my head and onto paper.

I listened to myself. I listened to what I was saying to others, what I was saying to myself and what I was saying to God. I didn't like what I was hearing. The negativity was exhausting and not true to my spirit.

I stopped complaining. Mostly. Let's face it we all complain. I stopped obsessively complaining. Cold turkey. If a negative thought popped into my head I stopped verbalizing it and worked out why I was feeling it. I stopped projecting my stress onto other people and tried not to let the actions of others disturb my peace.

I played. I did things I enjoy. I scheduled time to have fun! It's important to do this. Often.

Keeping a positive mindset allows me to think clearer, focus better and control my reactions to everyday frustrations. After all stuff happens. A negative mindset and constant complaining just makes it worse.


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