By sharing my writing (Poetry in particular), a life long dream, I hope to inspire others to go after their dreams and goals.

Sunday, January 3, 2016

It's a Brand New Year

Hi Everyone!

It's a brand new year! What will you do with it?

It's like a brand new notebook with lots of clean pages ready to be filled. 

What will you fill those pages with?

Let go of 2015 and any lingering disappointments. Embrace 2016!

Make it worth living! Wake up every day with renewed determination to live your life to the fullest. 

Live in the moment but plan future goals. Do not live in the past,  those pages are full. You may look back on them in fondness but to dwell on what cannot be changed is detrimental.

Like a notebook page, fill your life with goals and to do lists but keep them manageable so as not to feel overwhelmed.

Like doodles on a page,  let unexpected, unplanned, spontaneous moments fill your day with friends and family. A notebook looks beautiful and neat when it's new, but by the time it's filled with writing it's full of wonderful memories and happenings.

The same can be said for a new year. It begins brand new and full of promise and by the time Dec. 31st arrives, it is full of memories and happenings.

Let those memories and happenings be memorable. Find a way to do the things you love most. Spend quality time with those you love. Avoid negativity as much as you can.

Live intentionally but don't try and control what is out of your control. Stuff happens.

There will be bad days but just as in a notebook, tear out that page and be done with it after. Bad days only last longer than 24 hours if you focus on it.

Larger life events that make us sad or upset are inevitable. Don't avoid dealing with the pain. Express your feelings with a notebook! Or a note app.

It's a brand new year. What will you do with it?

Happy New Year,

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